Sunday, October 14, 2012

Labor Day weekend

Some people take vacations on Labor Day weekend.  This year, I took on what was supposed to be a 2 day project, I decided to paint the walls of my office.  I found a beautiful light blue and figured with Saturday and Monday free, I would have plenty of time to finish.  Got started and all went well, but then once I painted the walls, realized I needed to paint the ceiling, trim and doors too.  Then, I decided to 'redo' my old ugly metal file cabinets.  Once that was done, my desk needed to match, so I had to paint my desk as well.  Once the office was done, I decided to paint the half bath and laundry room as well.  It was a long process, several weeks of starting and stopping, and finally finished (although I'm still putting things back in my office and reorganizing), and the painting is done!  Now it has caused a domino effect, I'm organizing and reorganizing areas of my house (actually, this all started when I decided to organize my kitchen pantry! LOL!) Yesterday, I finished organizing my bedroom closet and reorganizing my jewelry. I LOVE when everything has a place and everything is in it's place!

I had the most fun redoing the file cabinets! Who knew that they could look so cute!  And easy!  Attached are pics of my jewelry organization in my closet and also the file cabinet in my office.  (Notice the blue walls and white trim?!) Once I get my office organized the way I want it, I'll post a pic of my office completed.  Then, who knows what project that will lead to! LOL!